Milton Community Resource Centre

Welcome to MCRC

Milton Community Resource Centre (MCRC) is a not-for-profit, multi-service and multi-site organization that provides services to children and families of Milton and the surrounding communities, as well as professionals who work in the field of Early Childhood Education.

We offer a wide range of early learning and child care programs, parent support programs as well as professional development and resources which reflect the needs within Milton and the broader Halton community

At MCRC we strive to meet the diverse cultural, social and economic demands of families and professionals by offering a wide range of child care and related services.


Featured Campaigns:

  • infant food bank donation call out image, Cute baby eating pureed food.


Our Programs

Licensed Child Care

MCRC's Licensed Child Care

MCRC Licensed Child Care Centres provide care for toddlers, preschoolers, and school age children. This includes full-time care, before and after school care, nursery school and camps.


EarlyON Child and Family Centre

EarlyON centres offer free programs for caregivers and children from birth to 6 years old. You can learn and play with your child, meet people or get advice.

Family Fun Programs

MCRC's Family Fun

Family Fun programs provide a positive learning environment that enables child initiated – adult supported play, and engages families in active, creative and meaningful experiences together.

Empowerment Programs

MCRC Empowerment Programs

MCRC's Empowerment Programs are free, accessible programs and services designed to meet the unique needs of girls and women in our community.

ACT Initiative

Artists and Children Together

The Artists and Children Together (ACT) Initiative integrates artists into early years learning environments.


The Halton Resource Connection

The Halton Resource Connection (THRC) provides a variety of services and supports to individuals working in early learning and child care in Halton.