Family Fun Camps

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March Break Camp at Bronte

Our March Break Camp: Yummy Adventures will have your kids going on a food adventure each day with a recipe and lots of activities to fit each days theme.
Monday – Science Adventures
Tuesday – Mindfulness Adventures
Wednesday – Medieval Adventures
Thursday – Creative Adventures
Friday – Shamrock Adventures
Your child will not only have the opportunity to learn how to cook but also be adventurous as we explore theme filled days with games, demonstrations and creative experiences. Make sure you don’t miss out on this adventurous week and register today!

Dates: March 10th - 14th 

Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Ages: JK - SK & Grade 1 - Grade 4
Cost: $275 per week


March Break Camp at Hitherfield

Our March Break Camp: Yummy Adventures will have your kids going on a food adventure each day with a recipe and activities to fit each day's theme. Your child will have the opportunity to learn how to cook and also be adventurous as we explore theme filled days with games, demonstrations and creative experiences. Make sure you don’t miss out on this adventurous week and register today!
Monday – Science Adventures
Tuesday – Mindfulness Adventures
Wednesday – Medieval Adventures
Thursday – Creative Adventures
Friday – Shamrock Adventures

The second week of March Break Camp - Yummy Adventures: Around the World at Hitherfield will continue our adventurous experiences with a handful of new worldly adventures to go on with yummy treats to go along. Be sure to register before we take flight!

Monday – Irish Adventures
Tuesday – Mexican Adventures
Wednesday – Asian Adventures
Thursday – African Adventures
Friday – North American Adventures

Dates: March 10th - 14th & 17th - 21st

Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Ages: JK - Grade 1 & Grade 2 - Grade 6
Cost: $350 per week
($25 sibling discount available contact

Summer Camps

Camp Wonder Woods
MCRC's Camp Wonder Woods, believes your child's summer camp experience should create memories that last a lifetime, is full of fun and adventure, the great outdoors and 0 technology! A place for your child to let loose, make new friends, and try new things. Our summer camp is on the beautiful grounds of Hitherfield Private School nestled between Brookville and Campbellville on a 110 acres of land including a large forest area and pond. Our camp counselors are dedicated to providing that "old school" experience for campers. Whether your child is quiet and shy or full of energy, we will have something for everyone.

Funtastic Summer Camps
MCRC’s Funtastic Summer Camp is returning for it’s 3rd summer. Our goal for your child is to fill their summer with Funtastic themed weeks that will be filled with activities, cooking, games, science and so much more. Funtastic Summer Camps are designed in a compact 9am to 3pm day at our MCRC 410 Bronte St S. location to support families schedules and budgets. Don't miss out on these Funtastic camps that are sure to keep your children engaged and off the coach this summer!

MCRC offers a variety of different camps. Click here to view all available options.

Need assistance? Call MCRC's Navigators for more information and assistance 905-876-1244 ext.210