All 4 Her Fundraising Toolkit

Help us reach our fundraising goal by sharing the cause with your friends, family and coworkers. Use the tools below to help spread the word about your participation in All 4 Her!

Top 5 Tips for Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Always let potential supporters know why you are passionate about supporting She Can! programs and why it is important for them to help you fundraise for All 4 Her.

  1. Email your individual or team link to your co-workers, friends, and family, using our templates or personalize your message asking to support you in fundraising and what your goal is.
  2. Using the All 4 Her templates or taking your own run or stroll selfies post on your social media the link for your followers to help support you.
  3. Follow All 4 Her and @MCRCHalton on Facebook and Instagram and repost or tag you friends to join you.
  4. Make sure to thank your supporters and let them know how you are doing towards meeting your goal.
  5. The day before the 5K send another reminder to your networks that they have 24 hours to donate towards your goal.

Email Templates:

Use this email templates to connect with your friends and family and let them know you are participating in this 5k event and how they can support you!
Email Template for Friends and Family

Social Media Posts:

Click on an image to view it in full resolution. Then, right click and save to your device to share on social media!

Post Text:
I am participating in MCRC's All 4 Her on June 22! Support me by joining my team or making a donation to my participant page. All proceeds support MCRC's She Can! programs #All4Her #MCRC #SheCan

Social Media Story Images:

Click on an image to view it in full resolution. Then, right click and save to your device to share to your Facebook and Instagram story!